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Agilent 7890B/5977B GCMS System
Costech 4010 Elemental Analzyer
Decagon WP4C Dewpoint Potentiameter
ELGA Purelab Ultra Water System
Eppendorf 5804 Chilled Centrifuge
Eppendorf 5810R Chilled Centrifuge
Fisherbrand Accumet AB150 pH mV Meter
Fisherbrand Isotemp Oven
Isotemp Programmable Muffle Furnace
New Brunswick Innova 42 Shaking Incubator
Shimadzu TOC Analyzer
So-Low 86 Ultra-low Check Freezer
Rice University Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences
6100 Main Street MS-126
Houston, TX 77005